Name: | Assas |
Platform: | WordPress |
Description: | Assas is a clean wordpress theme suitable for company, corporate and business sites. Coming with featured posts option and theme options page. |
Theme Featured: | Featured Articles: |
The Slider will showcase Images of the Featured Articles you have selected for your projects by using Cu3er slider plugin. Custom Admin Area: Assas has admin panels with lots of custom options that will enable you to quickly and easily manage your website! You can easilly add thumbnails in posting. Its well-written documentation covers all of these options with comprehensive explanation! Post Thumbnails Support: You can easy upload a image to use it as thumbnail for your articles when posting a new article. Font Customized: The theme used League Gothic for H1, H2, H3 and H4. Ads Management System: Theme contain places where you can insert 125×125 px banners. Built-in Widgets: Simply activate from Widgets area widgets like: Blogroll, Recent News, Recent Comments without needing of any plugins. Works Everywhere: Assas has solid and valid code. It displays fine in all major modern browsers. It has optimized code to load quicker and rank better in search engines! Furthermore, it uses CSS3 improvements that make it look even better in the newest browsers! | |
Template Author: | FWPMT |
Designer URL | |
Instructions: | - |
Compatible: | |
Tags: | 4 Column, 3 column footer, Ads Ready, Blue, brown, Business, Featured Content, Grey, Magazine, Slider, Theme Options, White, Widget Ready, wordpress |